America claims to be having an election soon. ¿So who is the president now¿
Acting scammander in chief ScKamala Harris? Help us dear God.
Just freestylin this one, too much workie to be organized and upbeat.
But always a warm welcome to my dear readers, thank you for reading kgras.
The above was from Andrei martyanov s last you tube, channel smoothie x12. I think I got another snap from him today gets blurry from excess workie on me….
Let's see, you get the idea.
Kursk is the snapping of the wire that releases the rage of Russia. I wish to write more about that next time, when I'm less tired., but Andrei spoke of it in his most recent today and last time moreso, the significance of the Arrogant West invasion of Russia in Kursk, and i suggest to check him if you wanted…
Flower of the day
But what prompted me to write, I want to know from you the truth dear read r. I can't understand, please remind me now
So who exactly is the president of America today?
Who exactly is In Charge ? And shouldn't s/he be behind bars…?
The thought for the day. I steal freely from someone. The thing that Bibi yahoo and elenskies cclownsnort have in common is, they both want to escalate to get amerikerrr actively involved in fighting the dammm wars, since they ran outta guys and goons to shoot the dammm guns and destroy, whooopsie daddy.
Where did I read today fUkraine gonna let the consxriptoors shoot the guys who resist conscription, saving the Russians from having to do the same….
I can't find it now but I did put it in twattster…let's see
Ah, technology, killing us softly.
Do they have enough jails for all of us?
Did they put the jails on the inside. Like the polio vex they wanna give the kids in Palestine, smells badly to me….
I repost Mike Whitney but that is not an endorsement of the vile despicable yet freely speaking Unz splog….
Ok, that is my postie.
Please,.tell me who is the president of this place , called America?
Tell me , tell me, tell me true, who is the president of America to you?
Who runs America? Eazy to see! The money runs America supported by the crazy globalists.
I don't think that there will be an election. If there is the dems will win because that is the quickest path to self destruction... But the globalists, mostly in the Middle East, don't care who wins because it changes nothing. This is why Russia, Iran and China laugh at the US and take no action against the obvious aggression against them. They see that if left alone, without retaliation, the US is destroying itself from within... That makes the globalists path much easier. Buckle up.
The cackler, if installed, may be the last US president... Or, maybe Biden is last?
Bill Gates.