After torture and terror of solitary isolation at Hell Belmarsh swamp grave, Julian Assange pleads guilty to journalism.
Claims US espionage act is standing in contradiction to the first amendment, judge tells him to shut the fuck up...
And the title and subtitles are the main takeaway,the same glavne. If I say it right, samah glavne is Russian, which I don't speak. Da.
I want to give a flower of the day for mr free press…
Don't know what it is
Freedom is the ability to physically change your location, if nothing else… if that is of much use?
Hell, let's get really crazy and do another flower, and wrap it up without further todo.
Once you've been inside, they don't really let you out, but being physically free is a chance to reclaim health and spirit.
Sadly. Once having been in jail, in my experience, when you get out you see that the whole world is a jail…
You might say there are those who write the rules and the rest of us they are applied to, in an act of lawfare, of class war , of Hegemonic domination, in the failing flailings of the fading empire, in the twilight's last gleaming….
Great post, love the flowers, you inspired me to put some of my own flower photos up!
Sounds like your supreme court told you yesterday to shut up as well. So much for the seperation of powers eh?