This is my opinion only upon several contentious matters of the day. There are no facts presented herein. Draw your own conclusions. Blessings and peace be to all of Womanity.
Slavery is , simply, being forced, coerced, or manipulated into an action or behavior or acquiessence thereof that is contrary to what one would will for oneself, if free to choose.
When a woman is forced to carry a child to term, she is a slave. Period.
Woman have abortions out of necessity, not desire. It is wrong to think of it as a choice, in the sense of freedom to choose, but more correct to think of it as the result of a lack of choices. Who would bother having an abortion if they knew the child would be loved no matter what? and cared for, even if she herself couldn’t? Then it would be mostly rape and incest survivors…
I believe abortion must be federally legal. Unless a woman is able to get a free, safe, and legal abortion on demand, she is a slave. period.
i believe this right to abortion should extend up thru the day of birth, and thereby include termination of the pregnancy upon the day of birth. I hope this doesn’t happen, obviously, but for the sake of my legal opinion (opine only) i wanted to suggest this formulation to thereby include however far into the pregnancy it is.
Free, safe, legal abortion on demand is part of my bodily sovereignty.
as a male, i won’t get an abortion in this lifetime. Nevertheless, i extend this right to all of womanity, so i consider your ability to get an abortion, easily, to be part of my bodily sovereignty. i do NOT have bodily sovereignty if you don’t. that means you may and can get an abortion, freely, on demand, safely, legally. period. this is 2022, come on now folks….!!!!
Now about that needlerape…
Bodily sovereingty also means no coercion or forcing medical procedures, at all. So this gives you the right to refuse an abortion, absolutely. This gives me the right to refuse to be hacksxxxxinated. in fact, the hacksxxxxine is a bad idea for those who want to have children, we have found out.
WE are all sovereign individuals, or else we are slaves.
Wouldn’t it be great to have a world where children were wanted, and there were so few folks seeking abortions because our world is so wonderful, there really wouldn’t be much of an issue after all…?
i have been hated in America all my life, and frankly, since she really couldn’t take care of me at all, perhaps Mom should have had an abortion? She brought me in to this world and this country, and then abandoned me. living in the world being hated all my life has been hard for me. did she make the right choice to have a baby she couldn’t raise? it was all she ever wanted, but could not handle…
not a day goes by i don’t suffer being hated here in America. Nevertheless it is a great place, if we can create any freedom and possibly restore democracy here, but we are driving down the wrong road now, and it seems like we will get to destination Fascism, full throttle. i’d like to have a child, somewhere else, where s/he can grow up to be free and proud of the country in which one resides.
i can harbour nothing but shame for the actions of America, from start to end.
when we use democracy as a weapon against others, we lose that democracy for ourselves, if we ever had it. I think it was a lie, based on my experiences when i tried to exercise my freedoms, i was rapidly shut down.
Now back to war against evil Russia (not my opine) to distract from the loss of everything we held dear decades back. The US is fighting a war with HATO against Russia, and frankly, i sure hope we lose badly and get some goddamm shame, for once.
Tony Blair is back in the running for prime minister of that other democracy that destroyed Iraq. i don’t feel better already, unsmiley face, queassy ….
So.. don't have sex. The percentages of horrible events that justify abortion are limited. I don't think it can be disputed that abortions are because of "unwanted" consequences.
Are we so in pursuit of an orgasm, hopefully, that if we create life as a byproduct.. we should abort it?
It's just sex vs. It's just potentially a life.
Should the pleasure of an indivual outrank the rights of another? How well has that gone for us in other spheres..